Discover your creativity
Learn to bake enchanting cakes and cupcakes
Are you fascinated by fondant cakes, sugar flowers, yummy drip cakes, cupcakes? This edible art is totally learnable. We’ll show you how!

Meine Tortenschule
Are you fascinated by fondant cakes, sugar flowers, yummy drip cakes, cupcakes? This edible art is totally learnable. We’ll show you how!
Trage dich ein, um das kostenlose PDF zu erhalten. Ausserdem bekommst du regelmässig Tortentipps in deine Inbox!
We have classes for beginners to advanced student. We’re with you every step of they way.
Lerne in nur 1 Stunde, deine ganz eigenen Tortendesigns zu entwerfen, und mühelos eine Skizze deiner nächsten Torte zu zeichnen – ohne dabei die Torten von anderen zu kopieren!
… und lerne dabei alle Pannen vermeiden, die dir auf dem Weg dahin passieren können. Wir zeigen dir jeden Schritt von der Ideenfindung über die Rezepte-Kalkulation, Produktion, Aufbewahrung & Transport.
Practice from the comfort of your own home, share your results with us and ask us your questions. We’re currently building a course library and are open for ideas and suggestions!
Check out our existing German online courses:
We’ve taught over 2000 students since 2013. First in our cake school in Zurich – and now online!
We’re the most helpful baking community on Facebook with kind members who share baking tips and tricks. Join us today – it’s free!