Our recipe for dark drip ganache is trending on the blog these days! Of course I’ve also been asked for the recipe with white chocolate. So without further ado: Here’s the white drip ganache recipe for you!

White Drip Ganache

White chocolate is a bit more finicky than dark chocolate, because it melts (and breaks) at lower temperatures than dark chocolate. That’s because white chocolate, unlike dark oder milk choc, contains no cocoa liquor, but only cocoa mass – and a whole lot more of cocoa butter.

When making white ganache for dripping, you will only use half as much heavy cream than for the dark drip ganache. Optional: For a really nice sheen, you can add half a teaspoon of glucose or corn syrup.

To make white drip ganache, you will need:

  • 200 g white chocolate
  • 100 ml heavy cream
  • 1/2 tsp corn syrup
  • a chilled cake to be dripped

In order to not overheat the ganache, I usually heat the cream and chocolate together, in burts of 30 seconds of the microwave. It’s important to stir well after each melting round.
White Drip Ganache

After 2 or 3 rounds in the microwave, your chocolate should be melted. Let it cool down for 1-2 hours, until it flows in thick ribbons from your spatula. White Drip Ganache

Grab your chilled cake from the fridge only moments before you are ready to drip! (On the turntable today: Chocolate ganache cake :))
White Drip Ganache

Then you can start dripping! Personally, I prefer to use a spoon, doing the sides first. Then I finish the top with an angled spatula.

Here’s a video for you:

Ganache Dripping works on any cold surface: Fondant, Buttercream, Ganache, Meringue.

Here’s the print version of the recipe for you:

Please leave questions and comments below – Happy dripping!

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